South African By-laws

Style guide for municipal By-laws in South Africa.

Short titles

South African By-laws don't all have 'Short title' sections, and they aren't named consistently when they do have them. This means alphabetical lists of By-laws aren't easy to scan.

For example, where would you look look for a By-law on air quality in the Swartland municipality? Under B for By-law, S for Swartland, or A for Air Quality?

We standardise the titles for By-laws by:

  1. Excluding By-law relating to the or similar from the start of the title.

    By-law relating to the Keeping of Dogs → Keeping of Dogs By-law, 2012

    By-law relating to Animals → Animals By-law, 2023

  2. Always including or adding By-law(s), <year> at the end of the title — capital B, hyphen, lowercase l — and if they use 'By-laws' with an 's' in the original, keep it.

    Animal bylaw → Animal By-law, 2012

    Guns, Germs and Steel By-Laws → Guns, Germs and Steel By-laws, 2023

  3. Excluding of the XYZ Municipality or similar.

    Liquor by-law of the Cape Town Metro Municipality → Liquor By-law, 2020

    Cape Town: Liquor by-law → Liquor By-law, 2021

    Air Quality By-law of the Swartland Municipality → Air Quality By-law, 2018

  4. Using Title Case: lowercase words like 'of, and, in, the, for, on', and capitalise the rest.

    Air quality by-law, 2016 -> Air Quality By-law, 2016

Examples of By-law titles

  • Electricity Supply By-law, 2012

  • Fire Safety By-law, 2023

  • Keeping of Bees By-law, 2001

  • Municipal Planning By-law, 2014

  • Property Rates By-law, 2020

  • Rates By-law, 2019

  • Street Trading By-law, 2022

  • Tariff By-law, 2018

For stubs, use the name of the main By-law (excluding its year) followed by ': Commencement / Amendment / Repeal'.

Street Trading By-law: Commencement

Keeping of Bees By-law: Amendment

Electricity Supply By-law: Repeal

See for examples.

Oddities and edge cases:

  • If the By-law is for a more local council or municipality than say a district municipality we're monitoring, include the name of the more local council in brackets at the end of the title.

    Keeping of Bees (Municipal Council of Piketberg) By-law, 1998

    Levying of an Availability Charge for Sewerage (Municipal Council of Velddrif) By-law, 1994

Last updated