Document subtypes

Manage the document subtypes available on the platform.

Document subtypes allow you to specify different types of legislation, such as regulations, notices, etc. A subtype has a unique abbreviation that is used in the FRBR URI of works of that subtype.

Adding a new document subtype

To add a document subtype:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click Document subtypes

  3. Click Add document subtype

  4. Fill in the name and abbreviation

  5. Click Save

Use only lowercase in the abbreviation and replace spaces with hyphens (-).

Editing a document subtype

Editing an existing document subtype will automatically update all the linked works.

To edit a document subtype:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click Document subtypes

  3. Click on the document subtype you want to edit

  4. Make your changes

  5. Click Save

Deleting a document subtype

To delete a document subtype:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click Document subtypes

  3. Click on the document subtype to delete

  4. Click Delete

You cannot delete a document subtype that is associated with works. Delete the works first.

Last updated