Reviewing a document

Guiding principles

When you review someone else's work, your goals are to:

  • catch errors that weren't spotted by the first editor

  • provide constructive feedback to the first editor

  • make note of other changes that may still need to be done

  • publish the content.

How to review a document

  1. Assign an 'Import content' task that has been submitted for review to yourself.

  2. Follow the link on the task to the work overview page.

  3. Open the imported document.

  4. Click Show source to see the imported PDF.

    • If a Word document was imported and there's no gazette to compare against, click Attachments and download it.

  5. Compare the document against the imported file.

  6. Note any changes to be made on the document using comments.

    • For metadata changes (e.g. missing multiple commencements, an incorrect assent date), create a task from each comment. These tasks should be resolved before the work is signed off.

  7. If the first editor needs to make changes before the document can be published, click Request changes on the task. You can add a general comment at the same time.

  8. When the document is ready to be published:

    • Link the defined terms again ('Analysis | Defined terms').

    • Click Save & publish on the document (drop-down next to Save draft).

    • Click Approve on the task.

  9. If for some reason the document has already been published but changes still need to be made to it, click Unpublish & save on the document (drop-down next to Save & publish) before requesting changes. (Only reviewers can make changes to published documents.)

The most important part of the process is where you click Save & publish, don't forget this crucial step!


  • Use comments on the document to provide feedback about individual issues.

  • Use comments on the task to provide more general advice.

  • Make new tasks to record other changes that still need to be done, such as linking amendments or a commencing work.

  • If a document is almost ready to be published and there are only a few small changes, you can make the changes yourself and leave a comment on the task to let the first editor know what change you made, so that they know for next time.

Reviewer checklist



Copy and paste the text below into the editor (make sure your document is blank).


An Act to establish the Nigerian Customs Service Board and for matters connected therewith.


WHEREAS text text text, be it enacted as follows:―



CROSSHEADING The Nigerian Customs Service Board

Part l - Establishment and Composition of the Nigerian Customs Service Board

1. Establishment of the Nigerian Customs Service Board

(1) There is hereby established under the control of the Federal Ministry of Finance, a board to be known as the Nigerian Customs Service Board (in this Act referred to as "the Board") which shall be responsible for the administration of the Customs and Excise Management Act.

(2) Accordingly-

    (a) any reference in the Customs and Excise Management Act-

    [[1993 No. 77.]]

        (i) to the Customs, Immigration and Prisons Service Board or to Board, shall be construed as a reference to the  Nigerian Customs Service Board established under this Act;

        (ii) to Minister, shall be construed as a reference to the Minister charged with responsibility for matters relating to finance.

2. Membership of the board

(I) The Board shall comprise-

[1993 No. 77.]

    (a) the Minister of Finance who shall be the chairman;

    (b) the Comptroller-General of Customs who shall be the deputy chairman;

    [[1993 No. 77.]]

    (c) all the deputy Comptrollers-General;

    (d) one person to be appointed from the Federal Ministry of Finance;

    (e) one person to be appointed from the Federal Ministry of Commerce;

    (f) one person to be appointed from the Federal Ministry of Industry;

    (g) one person to be appointed from the Federal Ministry of Transport

    (h) the legal adviser to the Nigerian Customs Service Board, who shall also head the legal division of the service to be appointed from the Federal Ministry of Justice;

        (i) two other persons to be appointed from any two of the following institutions, that is-

        (i) commercial banks;

        (ii) reputable economic or trade consultancy firms;

        (iii) the universities;

        (iv) the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture; and

        (v) the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria,
    provided there is no conflict of interest; and

    (j) the chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service.

(2) The Minister of Finance shall appoint the persons mentioned in paragraphs (d) to (g) and (i) of subsection 1 of this section, after due consultation with the appropriate Ministry or institution.

(3) The provisions set out in the Schedule to this Act shall have effect with respect to the proceedings of the Board and the other matters therein mentioned.

Part II - Functions and powers of the Board

4. Functions of the Board The Board shall be responsible for-

    (a) formulating the general policy guidelines for the Nigerian   Customs Service (in this Act referred to as "the Service");  and

    (b) administering the Customs and Excise Management Act and, accordingly, the Board shall-

        (i) subject to the general control of the Minister, control and manage the administration of the customs and excise laws; and

            (ii) collect the revenues of customs and excise and account for them in such manner as the Minister shall, from time to time, direct.

5. Powers of the Board

(l) The powers, being exercised by the Customs, Immigration and  Prisons Service Board to appoint, promote and exercise disciplinary control over staff of the Service are hereby vested in the Board.

(2) The Board shall have power-

    (a) to appoint persons to hold or act in all the offices in the  Service, including power to make appointments on promotion or transfer and to confirm appointments; and

    (b) to dismiss and exercise other disciplinary control over persons appointed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection.

(3) If the Board thinks it expedient that any vacancy in the staff of the Service should be filled by a person holding office in the civil service of the Federation or of a State, it shall notify the appropriate Civil Service Commission to that effect and thereafter the Board may, by arrangement with the Civil Service Commission concerned, cause such vacancy to be filled by way of secondment or transfer.

(4) Where a person is seconded under subsection (3) of this section, he shall be notitied of the terms and conditions of the secondment, 
and the secondment shall be without prejudice to any pension rights which but for the secondment would still accrue to him.

(5) A person seconded pursuant to subsection (3) of this section may elect, subject to the approval of the Board, to be transferred to the Service.

(6) A member of staff of the Service may elect to be transferred or seconded to any other civil service in the Federation and such right of transfer or secondment shall not operate to the disadvantage of the member of staff concerned.

SCHEDULE - Schedule

CROSSHEADING Amendment of laws


PARA 1. Text text text.


(1) Text text text.

(2) Text text text.

PARA 3. Text text text-

(a) text text text;

(b) text text text.

Reviewer checklist

Types of errors:

Keywords used incorrectly: 5 Numbering errors: 4 Indentation errors: 6 Heading errors: 2 Line break errors: 2

Last updated