
Manage the taxonomies used to group works into collections.

Taxonomies are used to group works into collections. The platform supports multiple taxonomies and a work can belong to or any number of taxonomies.

About taxonomies

A taxonomy is a collection of labels called topics. A topic can have one or two levels, forming a shallow hierarchy.

A taxonomy has these properties:

  • Title: the descriptive title of the taxonomy

  • Authority: the organisation that is responsible for this Taxonomy

  • Name: the short name for the taxonomy, based on the title

  • Slug: a code name for the taxonomy used in the API. This is generated automatically from the authority and the name.

  • Topics: topics with a level 1 name, and (optionally) a level 2 name

For example, here is a small two-level subject area taxonomy called 'Legislative Subject Areas':

  • Title: Legislative Subject Areas (title)

  • Topics:

    • Level 1: Money and Business (level 1)

      • Level 2: Contracts

      • Level 2: Taxation

    • Level 1: People and Work

      • Level 2: Employment

      • Level 2: Health

Adding a new taxonomy

To add a new taxonomy:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click on Taxonomies

  3. Click Add Taxonomy

  4. Enter the Title, a user-friendly title for the taxonomy

  5. Enter the Authority, usually your organisation name

  6. Enter the Name, based on the title. Use only lowercase letters and no spaces.

  7. The slug will be generated automatically.

  8. Enter the Topics for the taxonomy.

    1. Each topic must have a level 1 name.

    2. Topics can optionally have a level 2 name.

  9. Click Save

Editing a taxonomy

To edit an existing taxonomy:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click on Taxonomies

  3. Click on the taxonomy to edit

  4. Make your changes

  5. To delete a topic, check the Delete checkbox

  6. Click Save

Deleting a taxonomy

Deleting a taxonomy will remove it from any works linked to it. To delete a taxonomy:

  1. Open the admin interface

  2. Under Indigo API click on Taxonomies

  3. Click on the taxonomy to delete

  4. Click Delete

Last updated