Marking up formatting

After working through this section, you should be able to:

  • Mark up superscripts

  • Mark up subscripts

  • Mark up bold

  • Mark up italics.

Marking up superscripts

The pattern for marking up superscripts is as follows:

  • Before the superscripted text, the opening {{^

  • The text to be superscripted

  • The closing }}.

Spaces and any punctuation that are included between {{^ and }} will also be superscripted.


On the 15{{^th}} of July 2020 …

will look like this in View mode:

Marking up subscripts

The pattern for marking up subscripts is as follows:

  • Before the subscripted text, the opening {{_

  • The text to be subscripted

  • The closing }}.

Spaces and any punctuation that are included between {{_ and }} will also be subscripted.


The amount of CO{{_2}} in the atmosphere …

will look like this in View mode:

Marking up bold text

The pattern for marking up bold text is as follows:

  • Before the bold text, the opening **

  • The text to be bolded

  • The closing **.

Spaces and any punctuation that are included between the **s will also be bolded.


**This whole sentence is bold.**

will look like this in View mode:

Marking up italics text

The pattern for marking up italics text is as follows:

  • Before the italics text, the opening //

  • The text to be italicised

  • The closing //.

Spaces and any punctuation that are included between the //s will also be italicised.


Just //this text// is in italics.

will look like this in View mode:


Copy the text below and paste it into a practise document, then see the instructions that follow.

PARA 12.
    On the 12th of July 2020, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was bold.
    Later that same month is was italics.
  1. Mark up the th in the 'the 12th of July' as superscripted.

  2. Mark up the 2 in 'CO2' as subscripted.

  3. Mark up the word bold as bold.

  4. Mark up the word italics as italics.

When you're done, it should look like this in View mode:

and like this in Edit mode:

Last updated