Bulk imports (spreadsheet)
The spreadsheet has the following columns:
For all date columns:
The format is
.If you type in e.g. '1 Mar 20', it should automatically update to '2020-03-01'.
For all relationships columns:
The related work must already have its own row in the spreadsheet.
Its FRBR URI should be final.
To select a related work, start typing its title in the dropdown and the list of options will shrink.
There's no need to record both sides of a relationship in the spreadsheet; use the one that works best for your workflow.
Description / Examples
Core details
Used for working out the FRBR URI (unique identifier). Most fields are mandatory.
2-letter country code: ZA for South Africa, KE for Kenya
Case insensitive. Must be the same code as the country you're in on the platform.
locality code: cpt for Cape Town in South Africa
The short title of the work: Criminal Procedure Act
May or may not include the year at the end – house style decision.
Chapter (Cap.) number: 12 for Chapter 12
Not all countries use Chapter numbers.
The code for the work's type: act, statement
In most places the default is 'act', and this column can be ignored.
The code for the work's subtype: ln for a Legal Notice, by-law for a By-law, p for a Proclamation, si for a Statutory Instrument
Case insensitive. Leave blank for Acts.
A code decided on internally for the author of a work: mepc
No spaces allowed.
Can mostly be left blank.
The number of the work: 9 for Act 9 of 2012, 34 for SI 34 of 2012
Use words separated by hyphens for works without a number and for by-laws.
The year of the work: 2012 for Act 9 of 2012
Publication details
Used to try and automatically link the relevant Gazette when creating the work on the platform.
Usually the name of the Gazette: Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette
For national Gazettes, try just 'Government Gazette' at first to find matches on gazettes.africa.
The Gazette number: 12345 for Gazette 12345 of 1 March 2020
Found on the front cover of the Gazette.
The Gazette date: 2020-03-01 for Gazette 12345 of 1 March 2020
Found on §the front cover of the Gazette.
gazette link
Automatically generated based on the previous three columns, if available on gazettes.africa
Don't edit these cells, but do delete the formula if it's slowing down the spreadsheet loading (especially if no links are found).
Other relevant dates
Date format is yyyy-mm-dd
If you type in e.g. '1 Mar 20', it should automatically update to '2020-03-01'.
The date on which the work was signed by the relevant authority
commencement_date (main)
The date on which the work came or will come into force
If the work has more than one commencement date, enter the main one here.
The date up to which the work has been consolidated
Leave this blank if the work hasn't been consolidated.
The date up to which the work is up to date
Only fill this in if the place has an as-at date and the work's doesn't match.
Other info
Mark this work as principal, i.e. a work for which the content should be pulled in
An 'Import content' task will be created on bulk import.
Mark this work as a stub, i.e. a work for which the content will not be pulled in: Commencement notices, amending works, repeal notices (works without substantive provisions)
Stubs are hidden by default on the works listing page (select 'Stubs' or 'All' to see them).
Include a disclaimer for this work, which will appear on the coverpage of all expressions
Optional taxonomy tag/s to be applied to the work, separated by ';'s: lawsafrica-special:COVID-19 for the Laws.Africa Special Collection titled 'COVID-19'
Choose an item from the dropdown. The taxonomy must exist on the platform first.
Passive relationships
The related work must already have its own row in the spreadsheet, and its FRBR URI should be final.
To select a work's FRBR URI from the dropdown, start typing its title in the cell and the list of options will shrink. There's no need to record both sides of a relationship in the spreadsheet; use the one that works best for your workflow.
The FRBR URI of this work's parent / primary work
Only use for subsidiary legislation (e.g. Regulations / SIs).
The FRBR URI of a work that commences this work
Leave this blank if the work gives its own commencement date (either on publication or at another date).
The date on which this work is commenced by the commencing work
The commencing work will most often commence on publication, but may give a different commencement date for the work being commenced.
The FRBR URI of a work that amends this work
The date on which this work is amended by the amending work
If nothing is given here, the commencement date of the amending work will be used (if it has one).
The FRBR URI of a work that repeals this work
The date on which this work is repealed by the repealing work
If nothing is given here, the commencement date of the repealing work will be used (if it has one).
Active relationships
The related work must already have its own row in the spreadsheet, and its FRBR URI should be final.
To select a work's FRBR URI from the dropdown, start typing its title in the cell and the list of options will shrink.
There's no need to record both sides of a relationship in the spreadsheet; use the one that works best for your workflow.
The FRBR URI of this work's children / subsidiary works, separated by ';'s
The FRBR URI of a work commenced by this work
The date on which that work is commenced by this work
The commencing work (i.e. the current work) will most often commence on publication, but may give a different commencement date for the work being commenced.
If nothing is given here, the commencement date of this work will be used (if it has one).
The FRBR URI of a work amended by this work
If this work amends more than one work, list each on its own line (Option or Alt + Enter).
The date on which that work is amended by this work
If nothing is given here, the commencement date of this work will be used (if it has one).
The FRBR URI of a work repealed by this work
If this work repeals more than one work, duplicate this work's row as many times as needed, only changing this column (and the next one if relevant).
The date on which that work is repealed by this work
If nothing is given here, the commencement date of this work will be used (if it has one).
When doing a bulk import, put anything in this column and the importer will skip it. Putting a ✔ will make the cell green, to show it's been imported. Putting a "?" will make it yellow, to show research must still be done. It will be red as long as it's empty, to show it must still be imported.
If a work already exists and is reimported ('Ignore' is left blank), it won't be overwritten on import and will be shown as a 'Duplicate', but the taxonomy and any relationships will be linked if they weren't linked previously.
If any other non-core details were corrected on the platform in the meantime, they should be updated on the spreadsheet before it's reimported.
A formula in this cell will generate the FRBR URI: /akn/za/act/2020/1 for Act 1 of 2020 in South Africa
Do not edit this cell: If it looks wrong, check the core details.
A formula in this cell will generate the FRBR URI followed by the title: /akn/za/act/2020/1 - Banking Act, 2020 for Act 1 of 2020 in South Africa
This column populates the dropdown lists for all relationships.
Comments etc
Text from this column and any others you add won't be imported; use them as a record for yourself
LINKS ETC (add columns as needed)
Last updated