Create the tasks
Create an 'Apply amendment' task for each amendment by an amending Act at a given date.
The tasks will be done in chronological order, and per date in order of Act number / year, so do keep the amendments by different Acts on separate tasks.
Remember to include the date :)
The description will show on the timeline, so keep it brief, e.g. 'Apply the amendments made by Act 17 of 2023 (7 sections)'. If it's only one provision being amended, you can include all the details in the description rather than as comments.
If a retroactive amendment needs to be applied to more than one point in time, include this in the task very explicitly.
As comments on the task, for each provision amended per task, include from the spreadsheet:
The amending provision
The amended provision
The PDF page number of the amending provision
The commencement wording.
Block each task as you create it.
Paste a link to each task in the spreadsheet. If multiple provisions are amended by the same Act at the same date, remember to paste the link at each row.
For amendments that don't yet have a date, create a separate task for each provision as described above and add the Pending commencement
For amended amendments:
Open the link to the task from the spreadsheet and update it with the new information:
Make a comment describing the latest change, including a page reference.
Edit the description if relevant.
Update the timeline date if relevant.
Paste in updated annotation wording if relevant.
Sometimes, if only some changes had their date moved, you will need to create a new task for just those changes. In this case, link both tasks to each other by pasting a link to the other task in the description, for editors' future reference.
Either paste the link to the new task in the spreadsheet, or more commonly make a note that you've updated the existing task somehow.
At the end of this process, each amendment on the timeline (and each pending amendment) should have an associated task, and the spreadsheet should have a link to a task for each amended provision.
Last updated