Apply the amendments


  • Unblock and assign the earliest task:

    • At the earliest date (do check all the way down the timeline)

    • The first amending Act year, e.g. do all 2019 amendments before starting 2020 ones

    • The first amending Act number, e.g. do Act 17 of 2023 before Act 18 of 2023.

  • If a document doesn't yet exist at the given date, create one as usual.

  • Edit the document in provision mode — use the instructions on the task for guidance on which provision to edit, and which amending provision on which page of the amending PDF to look at.

  • Include the effective date and the commencement wording in the annotation — look around for examples, there are many.

  • Once each individual amendment described in the task has been applied, submit the task as usual.


  • Review the task as usual, using the individual amendments described in the task for guidance. Only and all those amendments should have been applied.

  • If there are more amendments to be applied at the given date, do not publish and sign off the document yet, but rather unblock the next amendment task.

  • Once all amendments have been applied at a date, publish and sign off the document as usual.

Last updated